Pioneer company of high-performance packing

Pioneer company has many installed results
as the high-performance filling for needs of the customer.

Irregular filling


Internals design by CAD


CADSUPER FX for Windows Ver.7.0


Solid Builder Ver.2.0

Decentralized test of distributer

ディストリビューターの分散試験 ディストリビューターの分散試験

Feed pipe & Tarff




Packing support


Hold down plate


Metal ring

Size Measurement
Gravity of fillings
Free volume
Packing factor
No.0 17φ × 6H 320 96 55
No.1 25φ × 8H 290 96.5 40
No.1.5 34φ × 11H 230 97.2 29
No.2 43φ × 14H 180 97 22
No.2.5 51φ × 17H 158 97.3 18
No.3 66φ × 21H 165 97.6 14
No.4 86φ × 28H 120 98.3 10
No.5 131φ × 41H 110 98.6 8

Materials: SUS 304,316, titanium, Hastelloy, Aluminum etc.

Plastic mini ring

Size Measurement
Gravity of fillings
Free volume
Packing factor
No.1A 50φ × 39φ × 17H 92 92 30
No.2 75φ × 61φ × 22H 55 94 15
No.3A 104φ × 84φ × 32H 41 95 12

Materials: PR, PVC, PE, PFA, PVDF etc.
※gravity of PP made ring

Strong point of the mini ring

  • The Hight oppose the filling diameter is 1/3.
  • Irregular fillings makes more close to regularly fillings (Better reproducibility).
  • It is a little density against other general-fillings (Paul ring etc.).
  • Gas and liquid channeling is small (Channeling is little).
  • The number of fillings per unit cross-section area is large and vapor-liquid contact is not only surface area but also droplet detachment surface renewal more contact efficiency (Heat, mass transfer).
  • Ration of general-ring, △P is small and difficult to foam, and the lot is little accumulated and easily.
  • △P is small – the amount of steam is decreasing and able to reduce
    • Blower power is lower
    • Through put is increase
    • Tower diameter can be small
    • Mist entrainment (entrainment) is decrease
  • Hard to foam
  • Dirt line – acetic acid plant, ammonium plant etc.
  • Polymerization line – acrylonitrile, MMA, acrylic acid etc.
  • Decentralization flow down, filling is a little diffusion, so it is needed to attention to distributing sheet. Even more, filling by a layer is high against general-filling (Maximum Hight of filling is 7 times of tower diameter or absolute Hight is 10m).
  • Flow rate range (max 800㎥/㎡ HR), and operation range is large.
  • Scaling up is easy
  • Liquid of large surface tension is operation also small efficiency of deterioration.
  • Low price of filling and filling operation control is little and cost is cheap.
  • Tower diameter (D) and general filling (d), D/d is over MIN.6, standard value is over 8.
  • Sanrei’s mini ring’s slip part of hook is hard to snaggle between fillings, and hard to happen nesting.
  • Changing tray or general fillings etc. of the already-existing tower, it is complete improving tower (separation, absorption) decreasing liquid volume (reflux, absorbing liquid etc).
  • Metal minoring can make all kinds of metals. Iron (carbon steel) stainless steel (3044, 316etc.), aluminum, titan, Hastelloy etc.
  • Result of using is plentiful.

Metal ring

Gravity of fillings
Free volume
0.4 638 92
0.5 705 91
1″ 0.6 480 94
0.8 423 95
2″ 0.8 329 96
3″ 1.0 286 96

Attention: Weight, for example SUS 304 (specific weight 7.93), Note. Weight. AT. S.G. 7.93. OF St. St. 304.

Metal ring

Gravity of fillings
Free volume
(12.7) 0.4 638 92
(15.8) 0.5 705 91
(20.0) 0.5 515 94
1″ (25.4) 0.6 480 94
(38.0) 0.8 423 95
2″ (50.8) 0.8 329 96
3″ (76.2) 1.0 286 96

Attention: Weight, for example SUS 304 (specific weight 7.93), Note. Weight. AT. S.G. 7.93. OF St. St. 304.

Porcelain rushing ring

Gravity of fillings
Free volume
(6) 1,250 45
−− (10) 840 63
(12) 860 64
(15) 670 71
(20) 580 75
1″ (25) 610 73
−− (35) 720 69
2″ (50) 620 73
3″ (75) 700 73

※Specific gravity : 2.29 for ceramic material(ratio 2.29)

Ceramic material ring

Gravity of fillings
Free volume
721 78
1″ 705 77
673 80
2″ 673 79
3″ 593 80

※Specific gravity : 2.29 for ceramic material(ratio 2.29)

Techno pack’s internal structure of the filling tower

Techno pack's internal structure of the filling tower

Regularly fillings


Sell, technological development, design and making exploitational by Mitsui & Co., Ltd.

Separation of S250A

Charater of techno pack

  1. Small HETP
  2. Pressure loss is a little
  3. Easy to scale up
  4. Large amount of through put
  5. Having large amount of F factor
  6. Holding up is a little

Kinds of techno pack and physical characteristic

type specific surface area
Hight per element(mm) usage Tower diameter
G500B Mesh type 500 97.0 about 185 about 190 Cost 100 above
G750A 750 96.5 about 277 about 180
S250A Sheet type 250 98.5 about 88 about 180
S350A 350 98.0 about 123 about 180
S500A 500 97.5 about 176 about 180
L900B Mesh type 900 95.0 about 378 about 55 For examination 20〜80

Techno pack material

1.Stainless (standard type)
  • ・SUS304
  • ・SUS316L
2.Special metal (custom made)
  • ・titanium
  • ・Hastelloy
  • ・aluminum
  • ・metal
  • ・zirconium
  • ・niccle
  • ・Others

Chemical engineering calculationPROCESS DESIGN

We provide indubitable techniques and products with performance, experience and saving know-how.

Chemical engineering calculation

Simulation: technical investigation by using PRO/II.
Regular fillings (techno pack) and irregular fillings (mini ring and original ring) calculation (Program manufactured by ourself).

◎Drawing new tower
◎Remodeling already settled tower
  • ・filling towered tray
  • ・changing filling tower
  • ・increasing amount of processing
  • ・countermeasure energy conservation
  • ・decreasing pressure lost △P
  • ・capability increase
  • etc
  • ★Distillation (continuous, batch)
  • ★absorption, renewal
  • ★extract liquid
  • ★stripping
  • ★scrubbing, deodorization
  • ★rinsing, cooling, drying
PRO/II is product made from Invensys system Co., Ltd

Data of process simulation

Requesting Process simulation of a necessity of theoretical plate number and inside tower load from our company, please refer date below.

  1. Material Balance around the tower (folinate volume, composition, temperature, pressure each stream in (out) of the tower.)
  2. Operation pressure, temperature
  3. Demand (or aim) segregation term (example) distilling liquid density under △△% density under △△ppm etc.
  4. Other estimation or restriction … in case of the fillings, formation of Internals.
Remodeling already-settled tower
  1. Present kind of filling, size, Hight of filling and type of Internals
  2. Position relation above
  3. Remodeling tray tower, position of tray support
  1. Incase of conversion of already settled tower or the addition, and the objectives.
    (example) increasing disposal capacity, increasing segregation etc.
  2. If you have same kind of already settled tower, if you don’t mind. Its operation datum and problems……Especially we do Process Simulation, we use it for data for checking.
Engineering design data sheet of filling

Design of hardware

◆All sort of amount volume drawing

  1. 1.Specific high-pressure gas equipment
  2. 2.First pressure vessel
  3. 3.Second pressure vessel
  4. 4.Small pressure vessel
  5. 5.Fire protection law etc.

◆design of inner tower

  • Distributer
  • Hold down plate
  • Packing support
  • Field & reflux pipe
  • Collector tray

◆Self-made program

  • Construction code for pressure vessels(corporation of Japan Boiler Association)
  • JIS B 8270 pressure vessels
  • JPI-7R-35-96 calucuration of the tower buss which having skirt
  • JPI-7R-52-96 strength calculation of lay down vessels saddle
  • JPI-7R-35-96 lay down vessels saddle
  • JPI-7R-71-96 vertical vessel leg

◆Design of parts in the tower

  • Distributor
  • Hold down plate
  • Packing support
  • Field&Reflux pipe
  • Collector tray


CADSUPER FX for windows Ver7.0


Solid Builder Ver2.0

CADSUPER FX & Solid Builder is name of goods made from Andor Co., Ltd.